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Greatsword and Axe/Mace Research

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Greatsword and Axe/Mace Research

Postby Grimblast » Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:40 am

Someone on reddit wrote a lengthy post of research examining which weapon(s) a warrior should use if they want to maximize damage. Some variables would have to happen all the time for some of this to work but worth reading over if you were curious.
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Re: Greatsword and Axe/Mace Research

Postby Elade » Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:26 am

Mind blown! Mostly cause I can't believe someone did all this research for a game. Lulz
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Re: Greatsword and Axe/Mace Research

Postby Zancarius » Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:47 am

Odd. Sigil of the Night? That's only active during the game's night cycle, right? I've never understood why that's so well sought after when it effectively only buffs you during half of the game's play time, being useless for the other half.

This is one point where I'll say WoW was vastly superior to GW2 in terms of its data collection. Because of the addon API, you could collect the actual damage figures instead of trawling the combat log (which increases a chance of errors--humans are notoriously bad at this); it's part of why addons like Recount existed in the first place. I know of no way to do this in GW2 aside from manually adding up the data in the combat log, thus making duplicating this experiment something of a chore and limiting the accuracy of the measurements to the point that significant figures should be considered.

He does do some skipping around with the DPS figures at the end (how does the greatsword go from 850 DPS to 1216 at the end? Its relative benefit over the axe in spite of the latter's greater DPS per attack makes sense given the lower attack speed (as he points out), but the numbers inflate from one chart to the next without much explanation. I assume it's because he factored in various buffs, but the footnotes suggest it was included in both charts.

Interesting read, but it's a bit much theorycrafting for me, particularly since it can't be easily automated.
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Re: Greatsword and Axe/Mace Research

Postby Elade » Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:36 am

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but, he didn't account for the traits, either, if I recall.

Sorry, commas.

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