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Pallies = An unstoppable force in PVP?

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Pallies = An unstoppable force in PVP?

Postby Sonikku » Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:11 am

I've PVP'd extensively with my Rogue but nothing has impressed me as much as the Paladin has tonight. Tonight, I pit my new pally against the forces of the horde. And the horde were CRUSHED. @_@ ... healem.jpg

5 pugging victories. In a ROW. I'm lucky to see a victory in WSG once every nine or ten matchs with my alts. Not to toot my own horn, but despite my teammates best efforts to drive our chances of winning into the ground, I was able to turn the tide of the entire battle on a regular basis.

I could:

-Make myself invincible with a bubble
-Heal myself and my teammates like mad
-Bubble heal, both myself and my allies while being completely impervious
-Remove negative status effects
-Remove ensares, and be impervious to ensares for 10 seconds
-Stun enemies/stragglers/flag usupurs at a distance

At least as far as WSG was concerned, it was GOD mode. If a horde tried to run away with our flag, I stunned them at a distance and my Rogue friends did the rest. While I didn't do much damage, I kept all of our DPS in battles near full health. They completely destroyed everything in their path. When the horde chased our own flag carrier, I could save them from certain doom with a bubble, heal them to full, then remove all of their ensares as soon as the bubble burned out, healing them the rest of the way and stunning his pursuers. Oh, and I could buff everyone too.

Hell, even when I had to fight one on one it was cake. A rogue got the jump on me with Ambush. My Mail absorded about half of it, I recovered the rest with a single heal. I then proceeded to wail on him in a bubble. As soon as the bubble ended, I followed up with a stun. He was dead by the time he came out of it. I'm still at full health. Either the Paladin is overpowered, Rogue class is gimped, or a case of both.

Granted, I haven't played a Pally in 60 tier PVP so I'll reserve my final judgements. But from what I hear, it's even worse. Fifteen second bubbles? Double stuns?? Decent damage coupled with an impervious bubble, plus stuns, plus the ability to remove debuffs, pluse Plate armor? Even if you scartch me I can just heal it all back. >< Too think, I wasted all this time playing as a Rogue...

But what shocks me the most is one thing... Why doesn't this happen in any of my other pugs? I healed teammates first and foremost, and the horde became speed bumps in their path. Yet in all my PVPing, nearly all Pallies I see only heal themselves. I have almost never had my ensares removed by them. Most Pallies I see charge in with the Unstoppable Farce when they're surrounded by badly injuried teammates. Why?

I just don't get it... I think anyone with any class has the ability to turn the tide of a battle. But as a Pally, I was doing it far, far more often then with any other class I've played with. It didn't even see fair.
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:09 am

I'm not speaking from experience here--just observation. Instances are by and large much different from PvP, and I've not had a lot of PvP experience with pallies (with an exception).

At level 60, DPS classes have higher DPS and more capabilities than their L19 counterparts. I've heard that mages are the bane of most classes, paladins included, though I'd imagine it would take a mage quite some time--and mana--to drop a paladin with any degree of swiftness. I'm sure the PvP capabilities of a paladin are determined more by the spec than anything else (spec being one of the more important things at 60 and later). If the warrior class is any example, specs that are immensely useful in instances are likely to be rather gimp in PvP--except when the player knows exactly what to do.

Having said that while simultaneously playing a warrior, I have some confessions to make. During boss fights in AV, paladins tend to be the only class that heals. Druids are too busy trying to taunt mobs off the protection warrior (grumble) or being turned into Chinese food (death in catform) OR they're standing at the back of the room in Moonkin form, spamming moonfire (ZOMG LASER GUNS!). If you see a resto druid, it is certainly the most bless
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Postby Sonikku » Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:23 pm

...Let me guess, the priests all went shadow?
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:55 pm

Mindflay, mindflay, mindflay, mindflay...

Mushroom, mushroom!
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Postby Aigle » Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:42 pm

Right before they wiped all of our talent points, I had Aigle speced to Shadow for a bit to try my hand (yet again) at PvP. From that standpoint, I noticed that only the Healadin was doing most of the healing. Jumping back and forth from holy to shadow mid-fight was so mana-intensive that I ended up just staying in shadow form. Let's face it, if I had plate and healing abilities, I'd probably have been unstopable, too ;)
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Postby Grimblast » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:01 pm

I have a Holy spec'd paladin and I'm like a road block. They waste sooooooooooo much time on my that my allies catch up and eat the horde hehe.
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Postby Zancarius » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:27 pm

Keep me healed, and I am your worst nightmare!

Just don't expect me to kill anything after six years of wailing on it...
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