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GW2 Assets... and surprising music

Chat pertaining to Guild Wars 2

GW2 Assets... and surprising music

Postby Zancarius » Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:16 pm

So, I'm rather surprised that the Guild Wars 2 data file contains a lot more stuff than I realized--including some things that were supposedly only on the sound track you can buy written by Jeremy Soule. Here's a sample.

I'm impressed. The vocalist is crazy good, and it sounds slightly like the theme you hear in The Grove.

Anyway, the intent here was to extract map data for an idea Josh has for something we're going to be putting together. Got side tracked. ;)

Edit: Okay, I guess this comes from completing story mode (I haven't completed it on any characters). I was hoping for some forgotten surprises in their assets. Darn!
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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