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Chat pertaining to Guild Wars 2


Postby Highgrade » Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:24 am

Ok so on my wife's computer gw was working fine on the low settings. Last night she booted up and logged in. We can't get more than like10 fps on it. Already updated drivers and checked for programs running in the background. Any other ideas?
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Re: Fps

Postby Highgrade » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:04 am

Update: after uninstalling and reinstalling still same issue. Googling only indicates that the game is CPU intensive. However it was working fine one night the slow as hell the next. Long story short still have not found a resolution.
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Re: Fps

Postby Zancarius » Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:39 am

I'd imagine the game's pretty hard on the GPU regardless of what Google says. Given the number of shaders and filters in use (which matches with Elade's recent experience) strongly suggests such. I'm not sure when they last pushed updates out to the client, but that could possibly be a problem?

One thing you might want to try which may or may not work with the current launcher is to do something like this:

1) Right-click the GW2 shortcut.
2) Modify the path to the launcher (Gw2.exe by default) by tacking on -dx9single so it reads something like C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe -dx9single
3) Click OK and try launching it again.

Or, if you're into the whole command prompt thing, you can do it the slightly harder way:

1) Open a command prompt.
2) Navigate to the GW2 directory (probably cd "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\" on 32-bit Windows or cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\" on 64-bit... I might be wrong since I never install games to Program Files and thus can't remember :) )
3) Then run the launcher by hand with the command: Gw2.exe -dx9single

That's one option that WINE users have to improve performance (though it doesn't always work), but it may also help in your case. Otherwise, post your wife's computer specs and maybe we can put our heads together to figure out a workaround since it's very probably from a recent patch that broke support for that hardware.
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Re: Fps

Postby Highgrade » Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:47 pm

Cool. Thanks for the input. I will try that tonight and let y'all know.
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Re: Fps

Postby Grimblast » Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:56 am

This may or may not help but you can always try that razor game booster. It won't give big results but enough to save some resources/cpu time. Follow the directions on how to set it up. By default, it does disable a lot of stuff you don't need running while gaming. If you are familiar with most of the processes on your compuker, you can have it disable some others that you know are safe not to run while playing a game. Once you close out of the game, the game booster restores/restarts all the processes it disabled. Kinda nifty but like I said, this may or may not help. I've toyed with it and only saw a small boost.
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Re: Fps

Postby Jargath » Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:06 pm

Did you try replacing the mice?

OK I'll shut up.
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Re: Fps

Postby Zancarius » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:02 pm

If the computer is powered by a hamster wheel, this is a very valid solution.

Attached is an illustration of what happens if the mouse powering your computer ceases to operate. In this situation, the ideal solution is to replace and remove the defective unit:

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