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Check your settings!

Minecraft isn't just a chip off the ol' block. It's an addictive and deceptively complicated construction sandbox game. Play in survival mode (multiplayer, too!) while building fortifications to protect against zombie hordes--and other baddies that appear during the night--or try your hand at massive projects in creative mode. We run a local Minecraft server instance for guild members and others on an invite-only basis. See the sticky posts in this forum for details!
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Check your settings!

Postby Zancarius » Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:38 pm

If you've recently updated to Minecraft 1.4, you may need to check your settings. I noticed that under video options the cloud layer had been mysteriously disabled. I didn't notice this for quite some time since I've spent a great deal of time underground (like a hipster), but something just didn't seem right about the overworld...

This might simply be an artifact of configuration migration under Linux so Windows users may or may not be affected. I can't be certain, but I'd suggest giving your video settings a once over just to be on the safe side. At the very least, it should now be safe to enable advanced OpenGL without much of a performance hit on networked games. If you find that the world around you isn't rendering fast enough, you may have to go back to disabling advanced OpenGL.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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