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Upcoming Changes

Minecraft isn't just a chip off the ol' block. It's an addictive and deceptively complicated construction sandbox game. Play in survival mode (multiplayer, too!) while building fortifications to protect against zombie hordes--and other baddies that appear during the night--or try your hand at massive projects in creative mode. We run a local Minecraft server instance for guild members and others on an invite-only basis. See the sticky posts in this forum for details!
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Upcoming Changes

Postby Zancarius » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:45 pm

There's going to be some changes to the Minecraft server in the next couple of days to facilitate some of the plugins we've been looking at installing. In no particular order, here they are:

  • MOTD support will be added. This will present a list of rules to the player(s) connecting. (Implemented but may change.)
  • Stricter permissions on commands. Usergroups will be added for different levels: administrators, moderators, users, and guests. Administrators will retain all permissions; moderators will retain /give and possibly a few others but the ability to kick or stop the server will not be allowed; users and guests will retain the same permissions as before.
  • TNT is going to be disabled. I realize it has its utility and it's fun. I've thought about it, and I've decided I want to eliminate it from the game. You will still be able to obtain it, but the blocks won't have an effect. This change probably won't be implemented until Saturday morning/afternoon, so if you want to have some further fun with it you'll have a few days. (Extensive damage to the overworld in places obvious to me will result in me reverting the map back to the most recent backup and applying the change sooner.) This change is to mostly eliminate the temptation to create much larger craters on the landscape than already exist. TNT is somewhat buggy and causes various weird issues that I've noticed server-side with regards to the load averages during detonations with more than 1 or 2 people on the server. Note: I'm not sure if this is going to be implemented at all. The NoExplosions mode seems to affect server load averages but this might be coincidental. I also need to ensure it doesn't affect creepers (default), but that will require a restart of the Minecraft server.
  • I will be adding some mods for warps and homes. I'm not sure exactly how I want to set this up, but the gist of it is that you'll be able to set your spawn point to your home base. The warps addon will let certain people (probably moderators and up) create warp zones to various things (think warp to "Mob Farm," "Tree Farm," or similar). This will reduce travel time to known areas.
  • I may add a server mod to limit world editing for new users until they're approved. Since whitelisting is still somewhat buggy and the whitelist sometimes has to be rebuilt during server restart, this means that new users can join but they can't do anything until they receive approval.
  • I may also add another mod to track changes to the server and allow local world reverts. I don't think we'll have problems with griefers but it's a good insurance policy against anyone who may join while the whitelist is off.
  • I have yet to settle on what WorldEdit permissions I want to allow to moderators. Many of the features it allows are exceedingly dangerous and the commands must be crafted carefully to prevent irreversible damage to the world. While it does have an undo feature, the world file format has changed since the most recent update of WorldEdit; this shouldn't pose a problem, but I want to avoid potential world file corruption from changing unexpected things (as with TNT, I know that the temptation will also be there for obvious reasons). Right now, I will probably allow moderators access to the navigational features of WorldEdit (like /jumpto). Due to the difficulty of using some of the other features correctly and the fact that you can easily kill yourself by suffocation with the brush or fill commands, it's doubtful I will allow access to everything.
  • There will be a working /help mod that will provide help for some of the extensions. I don't think all of them support it, though.

There's bound to be a few more alterations. Stay tuned.
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Re: Upcoming Changes

Postby Zancarius » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:10 pm

I'm thinking of adding the addon Minecart Mania to make some of the transit systems easier. Interestingly, it has a station control plugin.
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Re: Upcoming Changes

Postby Zancarius » Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:02 pm

Okay, so here's the deal. I have installed:

  • WorldEdit
  • MyHome
  • MyWarp
  • NoExplosions
  • iChat (not an Apple-related thing; more on this in a moment)
  • CommandBook

This changes some of the server behavior. Notably, some commands that you might be familiar with no longer work or work as you might expect. I'll try to address these changes here, but I'm going to put together a "moderator handbook" thread and remove some of the other stickies. The moderator handbook will act as reference material for some of the new commands.

World Changes

I've been tracking some of the load averages as correlated with various /give commands, and it appears that the server load will increase immediately following explosions and will generally stay high for up to a half hour after the detonations cease. With all explosions disabled last night, load averages dropped to an all-time low around 0.2-0.8. While my motivations were to limit the amount of damage to the immediate terrain (yes, I know how tempting it is to blow stuff up) it appears that removing them entirely has been beneficial to the server. However, it is still possible to detonate TNT with the NoExplosion patch--it just won't do anything or the changes it creates will be immediately reverted. This appears to increase the server load as well.

I'm not sure how much creepers affect load. I've restored their detonation behavior as before but will continue to keep an eye on it. Several creepers (> 2) may cause load averages to spike in a manner similar to TNT.

Correlation is not causation, but I have noticed that load averages do tend to increase during removal of many blocks in quick succession (the same effect can be achieved to a lesser extent with a shovel). We'll see how this works for now.

New Commands

There's a ton of new commands. Given the permissions mod for Bukkit and how well it works, I have removed op status for everyone but Turus and myself. This means you will no longer be able to stop the server or issue otherwise problematic commands. Unfortunately, it also means that you're unable to kick or ban anyone for the time being. I expect to re-enable that in the future, but CommandBook doesn't appear to provide an interface to any of those capabilities at the time of this writing.

Several new commands have been added, but I'm saving those for the moderator handbook.
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