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Terrain generation in MC1.8

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Terrain generation in MC1.8

Postby Zancarius » Tue May 20, 2014 1:56 pm

It would appear that the terrain generator is going to yet again be changed for Minecraft 1.8. This means that in all likelihood the existing explored boundaries of our current world will become a strange mesh of conflicting biomes. I don't know with certainty that this will be the case, but so far, past updates suggests this might happen once more.

Thus, I have a plan.

What I'm thinking of doing is regenerating the world one more time and nearly scrapping everything. With one exception. There are some tools available (MCEdit, I believe, is one of them) that allow you to copy out previously built structures and the likes, pasting them into a new world, and calling it a day. Considering the effort I've expended on the latest "Big Ass Tree" project, it seems like this is a better bet than to simply wipe things and start anew. Some of you have also put a substantial amount of effort into things, and I'd rather not have to ask you to rebuild it all over again.

So, the objective is 1) if the terrain generation does change, what structures do you wish to keep and 2) what locations (in game) are they at?
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