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Minecraft Update Warning; downgrade from the launcher

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Minecraft Update Warning; downgrade from the launcher

Postby Zancarius » Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:54 pm

As of September 19th, you may find that Minecraft will no longer connect to our server due to a protocol bump in version v1.6.4. Bukkit currently only supports the protocol version used by v1.6.2 which provides you with only one option: Downgrade.

Downgrading with the new launcher is fairly easy, but it may be non-obvious:

First, you'll need to create a new profile. By doing so, you can easily switch between the latest version and the previous version that our server is running at. To do so, click the "new profile" button:

Create a new profile.
new-profile.jpg (17.86 KiB) Viewed 3071 times

Next, configure the profile. I usually select a profile name that reflects the version I'm downgrading to such as 1.6.2 in this particular example. Be sure to select the correct version as well (release 1.6.2) and then click "save profile":

Configure the new profile to use an older version.


Also, I apologize for the ugly appearance of the dialog boxes. Mojang doesn't have the launcher use a GTK/KDE look and feel for the Java Swing library, so it defaults to the standard "metallic" or "metal" theme (I can't remember the name, I just remember that it looks like a horrible throw back to the 1990s).
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Re: Minecraft Update Warning; downgrade from the launcher

Postby Zancarius » Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:07 pm

It's that time again: Time for Minecraft updates.

You may have already noticed that Minecraft 1.7.2 is now available but it is not yet available on our server. It'll be some time until Bukkit supports the latest version, so you'll need to use the instructions here to downgrade to 1.6.2 (for now) if you've upgraded. If you're still running 1.6.1, you'll need to update that profile to the appropriate version.

We have some work ahead of us before we can upgrade the server. In particular, the latest 1.7.2 update changes certain features of the world files such that generated structures may be overwritten and destroyed. We're going to follow Bukkit's instructions to correctly update the server prior to any further updates, so while we intend to update to 1.6.4 during the interim before 1.7.2 is supported, we need to verify that the upgrade will work as expected.

I'm anticipating updating the server sometime on the 27th (that's tomorrow). Until then, you'll just need to hang tight.
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Re: Minecraft Update Warning; downgrade from the launcher

Postby Zancarius » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:49 am

Removing from sticky list. Enough people should have seen this post by now.
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