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UBRS Keying

Instance and raid scheduling.

UBRS Keying

Postby Zancarius » Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:45 pm

Currently we've only three people keyed for UBRS and due to current circumstances, they are unable to bring their keyed characters to Upper Blackrock. So the upshot is that we need to get more people keyed. The key has additional resistances that are great for characters likely to take damage, such as tanks, melee classes (pallies or rogues), and priests. Additionally, the key has a "use" feature that enables it to summon a dragon during the Rend Blackhand fight.

However, there are some things to consider about the key before electing to go on a keying run...

Point 1: Not everyone can get keyed in one run!

To get keyed, you must collect the Seal of Ascension and three gems. The gems drop from various bosses in LBRS and only one gem or seal can be picked up at any given time. The items can be rolled for as well. HOWEVER, based on our past experiences with rolling for keyed items, we've found that you can wind up with five different people across five different runs bearing in their hands different parts of the same key with ultimately no one keyed. While I realize that taking the chance and rolling against the same item is more "fair," it is counter productive for the guild. This brings me to point 2.

Point 2: One person must be elected during the run to receive all key items

This means that one person can get keyed faster. While the key parts don't always drop, it increases the chance that we can get additional people keyed. Keying is a guild effort, not "every man for himself," which means that someone must be elected to be keyed and we must select people who are in line waiting to be keyed. This helps to reduce the chance that we'll wind up with the same situation as before. Again, I realize this sounds unfair, but it is a guild effort.

Point 3: LBRS can be raided; good money

There is additional incentive to go on LBRS raids. One, the key parts may be collected within a raid context and two it's good money. For a run that only lasts about an hour and a half (depending on what we decide to kill), you can attain in upwards of 7-10 gold per run from silver alone. Factoring in gray items, you can receive as much as 15-20 gold after repairs. There's no reason to avoid attending an LBRS run, even if you don't have any quests. For something in which the mobs are lower level and takes less time than Scholo, the rewards are just as worthwhile if not more so.


So there's my $0.02 worth. We need to select someone who will be keyed next. I won't lie, I'd like to have the key for the +FR alone, but we have at least four people interested in getting the key next. I don't want to take any spots ahead of others, especially since I've not been playing quite as much as I might like. So, feel free to vote. I'd imagine we can do up to two or four key runs on a weekend as it is, even as many as three during the weekdays.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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