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10 man TOC on 2/21/10

Instance and raid scheduling.

10 man TOC on 2/21/10

Postby Grimblast » Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:41 am

Ok, so with a little bit of thought into this, I figured it would be best if we go ahead and get some 10 man TOC knocked out before we decide to grind our faces into ICC. As it stands, no one on Terenas has brought down the lich king yet and I'd like that 20% dodge debuff to be gone before we go and get our butts handed to us in ICC. I will work on putting together an ICC rep run though in the meantime. I'll work on a seperate post and see who all would be interested in grinding mobs for Ashen Verdict rep.

For those that would like to get a leg up on the TOC bosses, please refer to this stickywhich gives you a general idea of what to expect from the TOC bosses. If you want to see videos, hit youtube as well as some of the links in
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Postby MaxRile » Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:12 am

count me in T im always willing to help =D
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