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Thal and the rest of you Linux geeks might want to read this

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Thal and the rest of you Linux geeks might want to read this

Postby Tirian » Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:06 am

Letting the demon do the work for me since 2004.
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Postby Zancarius » Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:03 pm

Very interesting article. I had forgotten Shuttleworth was a fan of Linux (I think I remembered hearing about that on Slashdot some time back--the name is familiar, but that's as far as my recollection goes). I still don't think Linux will ever be ready for the desktop, but I can imagine it in two different price points: ultra-cheap platforms (since the OS costs nothing) and high-priced systems built and used by enthusiasts. I assume a slight difference between gamers and enthusiasts, of course, and most of their dollars likely go into storage systems rather than peripherals that improve gaming experiences.

My ideal set up would be to have a file server in some part of the house with a home theater set up, either with the actual box running the theater as a Linux box (unlikely) or a media center-esque setup running Windows (most likely as the software here is pretty robust and well-used). The file server, of course, would be *nix, either *BSD or Linux, of course. But... I think that's about the extent most people would go. On the plus side, storage and service managing is a bit easier with Linux versus Windows--especially when it comes to debugging.

Anyway, very interesting article. I'm surprised to see something really pushing Linux appear on the BBC of all places. I wonder what their motives are?
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