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Students banned from bringing...

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Students banned from bringing...

Postby Zancarius » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:54 pm

...pencils to school.

That's right. Pencils--banned in a memo that was apparently not approved by the district: ... story.html

The memo said students would no longer be allowed to bring writing implements to school. It said pencils would be provided for students in class and any students caught with pencils or pens after Nov. 15 would face disciplinary action for having materials 'to build weapons.'
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Re: Students banned from bringing...

Postby Gnomegrenade » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:00 pm

Sorry to say, but it's really getting out of control with schools. Even with something as simple as this.

Who's to really blame for it? The schools or the parents? Or both?
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Re: Students banned from bringing...

Postby Zancarius » Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:31 pm

Both, I think.

The schools are probably (rightfully) afraid of lawsuits. Combined with the ailment that most districts are run by entirely incompetent school boards or superintendents, it's a recipe for absolute disaster. Then, on the one hand, there's a number of parents that either don't want to take responsibility for their offspring and their behavior (or just don't care) and on the other, you have those parents who are absolutely terrified of absolutely everything. If you combine these two sides, you wind up with idiotic policies that make absolutely no sense.

Of course, everything wrong with society started off with the words "I have this really good idea..."

You're absolutely right. The schools are out of control, and the worst part is that they don't quite seem to understand it. I was thinking that it was comical when I posted this, but now that I've thought about it and read over your comment in the TSA thread, I'm starting to believe that this is a systemic problem with out society at large. Have we become so paranoid of potential harm that we're willing to not only squeeze genitalia in pursuit of security, but we're also willing to confiscate and punish 6th graders for bringing pencils to school?!

What would these people do if we told them that their kid is more likely to get killed in an accident while riding the bus than to be murdered with a pencil?
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Re: Students banned from bringing...

Postby Gnomegrenade » Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:48 am

I know the school systems here in Virginia Beach are scared of lawsuits.

Parents will yell and scream if something was to happen to little Timmy should something happen on the way or from school due to the weather. Be it fog or snow, they (the parents) will scream bloody-murder.

I can remember years (and years) ago when I went to school, I would walk thru snow only to find out it was closed.

So naturally, I turned around and went home. My parents (or any other parent) ever complained so why now?

Guess it's the nature of the beast.

But this is going a little overboard.

We used ot be able to bring knives to school. Buck knives, not the Rambo style you see out there. Your standard pocketknife. And there were no issues.

Guess today, parents are more paranoid than they used to be.

So sad....
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Re: Students banned from bringing...

Postby Zancarius » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:26 pm

Yeah, it is.

Sadly, I'm too young to have gone to school back when it was still sane and you could actually carry some sort of utility knife. I remember once I graduated high school (which was about 11 years ago--dang!), I was so glad to finally be able to carry around the Leatherman my father bought me when I turned 16 or 17. I never used the knife except to cut open packages, but the screw driver attachments sure saw their fair share of use.

What we really need is some kind of tort reform. Unfortunately, as long as we continue to elect attorneys and other people who benefit from legal practice to office, we're never going to see any kind of reasonable reform to tort. Certainly, anyone who is grievously injured in a terrible accident that could've been avoided due to faulty equipment should have some kind of legal recourse; conversely, anyone who spills coffee on their own lap should only be entitled to a refund, regardless of how hot the coffee happens to be! I do think we've gone too far in the opposite direction, though.

And you're absolutely right. The paranoia is on two fronts--the schools and the parents. Yet I bet the same parents that have pushed for inane decisions like this get upset if things go too far--or farther than they would like. Remember the laptop webcam spying incident? At this rate, parents may as well just hand their baby over to the feds as soon as it leaves the hospital. I hear Big Brother is a really nice guy with a big mustache and infectious smile.
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