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Postby Zancarius » Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:04 pm

If you're seeing spam messages appear briefly in various parts of the 'goon forum, it is because it seems that reCAPTCHA may have been cracked again. As a precaution, we have switched back to the built-in CAPTCHA phpBB uses by default. This CAPTCHA is somewhat more difficult to resolve, so if you're having difficulty signing up you'll need to contact someone in game for assistance.

Also, feel free to use the "report post" feature (it's the red exclamation icon in the upper right) if you see spam messages that we haven't gotten to yet. We're reasonably diligent about catching spam posts, but there's always the possibility that something will slip under the radar. Note that only a handful of forums will be affected (general, recruitment, and goonisms), because most of our content requires specific privileges to view that newly registered users cannot see.

We'll be re-enabling reCAPTCHA support once we're able to determine what the issue is, whether it's API or library related, or whether it is an issue with the reCAPTCHA service. In the 3-4 years we've been running reCAPTCHA on various incantations of the 'goon forums, this is the first major issue we've had. Not bad!
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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