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Some info from the Blues on Cataclysm

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Some info from the Blues on Cataclysm

Postby Grimblast » Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:54 am

Here's some additional info about what blizzard has in store for us in the next expansion. I've seen some chat that indicated some people were confused about some of the concepts so here are some juicy tidbits to help you unbefuddle yourselves.

Shadowmourne, Blue posts on Cataclysm

Arena Season 6 end, Cataclysm posts

Onyxia, Blue posts,, etc

Those posts will sum up some of the Q/A players have had to blizzard. There are source links in there if you want to see the full blue posts or the questions posed to them in the blizzard forums. I would've done some fancy quoting and what not but hell, they did all the crap for us in those articles and I'm at work. Which speaking of, back to it I must go!
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