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Slashdot Q/A with Blizzard

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Slashdot Q/A with Blizzard

Postby Grimblast » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:18 am

This is actually worth reading.
There was an interesting tidbit in there about terrain phasing. Walking inside from a storm and walking back out and the cliff being sheared off! Now that sounds like fun :)
They have some info on Starcraft 2, Diablo 3 and further towards the bottom the WOW questions. The changes to looking for group which will be in a 3.3 patch sound interesting. They are working on server efficiency and we might actually be able to use LFG to pug in people from other servers. That would be wild but I see their reasoning. Say if you want to do a low level instance with a lowby, you might just be able to use lfg and get the group no matter whose on what server. Improves your odds of getting it done anyways. But lots of good questions and answers in that link. Check it out!
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