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*sigh* Where has the crazy gnome taken us now?!

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*sigh* Where has the crazy gnome taken us now?!

Postby Snobal » Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:29 am

Theres much time to mess around with before queue ticks for AV. So recently I figured I might as well share a bit of my knowlage with the goons' on places I know how to get to that your [i]not supposed to be in W.O.W :D So I thought for a minuite "what would be a place they would like the most?" :idea: then i ticked on me. HYJAL the restricted area blizzard has set for new content in the upcomming expansion!

I know that quality is bad on these photos.. I dont know why but this is the portal that will be used to keep people who do not have the expansion, out of Hyjal.

Here, I am standing ontop of a hill overlooking a deep whatever you call those things (its morning here) In which me and ceph would later fall into and die.

I dont know what this tree signifies, but its really, really cool.

this was halarious blizzard put a one of a kind road block here if you cant see the text on the center one it says 'BLIZZARD CONSTRUCTION CO'

Yes, you are looking at the place where the world tree once sat.. it is now a huge crater like area.

This is where an instance much like ony's lair inside hyjal.

Here I got us past the bars of the entrance by sheeping everyone thru.

Here im looking back at the bars where i sheeped everyone thru.

Ima little bit inside the instance now.

This is the main part of the instance.

This is the group standing ontop of roasted ork, you can still see the smoke rising from them.

Here is the final image where I am about to exit the instance.
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Postby Snobal » Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:30 am

I know that some of the images didnt come thru.. i dont know why. If you want to view them copy and paste the address into your address bar, and view them like that. Enjoy
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Postby Cephalxn » Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:31 am

that was really good fun. thanks for that.

and if anyone is interested. i can get us into kharazan tombs and CoT.
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Postby Lithium » Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:18 pm

That was too fun. Thanks for having me along on that, Flunk. It was a blast. Hope we do it again.
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Postby Snobal » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:56 am

No problem guys, i feel bad for kinda taking your day to just do that, but im glad you enjoyed it. I can get anyone into CoT, Old ironforge, Underneath SW, to the place ceph showed us, ontop of ironforge, to the highest point in the game. Pretty much i can take you guys anywhere :D
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Postby Tradgedy » Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:56 pm

jeez ive been missin al sorts of stuff. if only my internet would cooperate...

miss ya all :-P
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