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Ruby Sanctum Shuffle

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Ruby Sanctum Shuffle

Postby Killemal » Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:57 am

There is an excellent guide here:

Now the only question I have is 'Who's comin' with me?'

Wednesday night. 6pm Server. Full clear, but be ready to wipe repeatedly. :lol:

Quick and dirty Halion strat:

Setup: 2 groups. 1 tank and healer to each group. Split DPS evenly between the groups; one group is designated 'Twilight' and the other 'Daylight'. Pick out the DPS with the best situational awareness and put that player into the Twilight group. MT should stay in Daylight group.

Phase 1:
MT on Halion. Tank and spank. Don't stand in fire. Don't stand in big bright circles. Don't stand behind or in front of Halion unless you want to be forsaken by a healer. Halion does a Combustion DoT that should be cleansed IMMEDIATELY. Until it does, affected players should move away from the raid. When Combustion is dispelled, the affected player will have knockback and an AoE effect will spawn on the ground beneath the player. It's size is relative to the number of Combustion stacks on that player. Don't stand in the AoE. Halion also uses a Meteor Strike. You'll know it's coming by the 'Hellfire' graphic happening on the ground where it's coming down. Move out of the way.

Phase 2:
At 75% health, Halion will spawn a portal. Everyone in the portal into 'Twilight' except for the MT and healer from the Daylight group. Off tank takes up threat on Halion and everyone DPS's him HARD. Don't stand in pancakes, and as with most dragons, don't stand in front or behind. At this point, all ranged DPS should stack on whichever player has the best SA (situational awareness). Halion will spawn an orb on each side of the play area, which will shortly send a beam of energy between the two. Ever seen Resident Evil? Think evil cutting lasers. Luckily they move in a clockwise rotation. DPS should run clockwise around the area, making sure to stay out of the laser. Not a bad idea to pop heroism once everyone is in the portal.

Phase 3:
At 50% health, Halion will spawn another portal. Daylight group should run back out through the portal and begin DPSing Halion. The reason for having evenly matched DPS in both groups is that Halion has a Corporality stat. It's measured in a percentage. You want to keep that percentage at 50% for both groups, as he will both take the most damage and deal the least. You should see that number up at the top of your screen. If those percentages should become unbalanced, it will destroy one of the groups and wipe the raid. Basically a tank and spank from that point. Stay out of fire and anything else looking interesting on the ground. Someone in each group should be designated to call out Corporality if it becomes >10% more or less than 50.
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