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patch 3.3 notes on wowwiki

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patch 3.3 notes on wowwiki

Postby Grimblast » Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:23 am

A bit of information on the existing patch notes. I might actually enjoy the random group tool they are implementing. I'm curious about the special loot you could get from completing instances with parties built by the dungeon finder tool. Not to mention the new type of dailies. I will miss the old ones we would pick up normally but randomizing it the way they are going to is just forcing everyone to step up their game but with complete strangers. Added challenge or grief? We won't know until we get to try it.

Lots of rumors are speculating that the patch might apply this Tuesday coming up. To me it still seems kind of soon but then again, blizzard has said that Ice Crown Citadel content will unlock in weekly intervals so they have more time to work on it while we digest the content they gave us in the patch. My recommendation is to make sure you have most of the patch downloaded via the background downloader so you aren't scrambling on patch day to get it then. As always just like all patch days, don't expect to really play right away since the server will have the usual growing pains.
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Postby Zancarius » Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:20 am

There's a few other things of interest in the patch, too. Reduction of cool downs for certain classes comes to mind.

I can't remember specifically what stuck out at me when I read it a little while back, but I do know that the random dungeon feature looks interesting. If you don't pug in someone via random dungeon, you won't get extra loot. However here's what I gathered from how they phrased it (maybe I'm wrong, I have no idea): the first random dungeon you do, you'll get two emblems of frost for completing it each day. For each random dungeon you do after the first, you'll get two emblems of triumph. So, you not only receive the triumph badges from each boss (now), but you'll get two additional ones for each dungeon you complete--but only via the random dungeon feature.
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Postby MaxRile » Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:40 pm

well this will be intristing none the less. If i understand you right we can take 4 ppl from the guild then pug a 5th and still have the "extra loot"?
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Postby Zancarius » Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:41 pm

Yeah, something like that.
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