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Patch 3.3 information

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Patch 3.3 information

Postby Grimblast » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:10 am ... 6877&sid=1

Some interesting information about the upcomming big patch. I'm not sure when they will release it but makes for some light reading.
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Postby Damorte » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:07 pm

Hmmm, not sure how I feel about that disenchanting option. Are they slowly just making Enchanters completely obsolete?
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Postby Zancarius » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:30 pm

Damorte wrote:Hmmm, not sure how I feel about that disenchanting option. Are they slowly just making Enchanters completely obsolete?

No, they're cutting out the need to have an enchanter present to melt an item. This will have no effect on enchantments (you'll still need to see an enchanter for that). While the chief complaint appears to be one of people whining about enchanting materials flooding the markets, consider this: Most guilds have at least one enchanter per run; subsequently, guilds tend to accumulate more materials than they have the capacity to consume and thus eventually sell off their assets. In effect, this may--at "worst"--simply reduce the time-to-market for most enchanting goods.

It's also important to remember that most people may opt to roll for the non-disenchanted item for repair bills as you cannot guarantee with certain items (like greens) that the disenchantable materials will net a high enough return from the AH to pay for repairs. More importantly, the items most likely to be disenchanted are those that yield shards. Guess what we already have an abundance of? Enchanting dusts are still likely to remain rare even in light of such a change, in my opinion.

This will have a limited impact on enchanters. The chief complaint is most likely the reduction in material costs due to a potential increase in abundance on the AH. I don't think this is going to happen per se--certainly not as bad as the knee jerk reaction of enchanters suggests. Even if it does, the overall impact is a good thing, because material costs for the rest of us who are consumers of enchantments will likewise be reduced. The people complaining are those who are making a killing off an inflated market; bubbles burst and reliance on any market for sustained income without adaptation is economic suicide.

So no, they're not making enchanters obsolete.
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