Hey guys sorry im so late telling you this, but incase you werent informed by Bivrip, I was grounded from the computer for 2 WEEKS!!!

I was as sad as when we had to flush the gold fish I had just gotten from the fair 4 hours after we got home....
Anyways if I play my cards right I should have the computer back this friday the 22nd. You may very well be wondering how im on the internet typing this message while im restricted from the computer

lets just say that my dad thinks of me as how he was in 8th grade (a redneck kid who doesnt do crap in the direction of an education), but hey im not complaining

. Sadly I cannot download warcraft on this piece of crap laptop that ive had in my closet hidden for these occasions

Well Once again sorry, but I hope to see you all on Friday.

I think we should all do MC or something as a welcoming back thing to me

Hehe just kidding.
Besides all of that crap mentioned above How has everyones day been?