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Mumble can kiss my rear

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Mumble can kiss my rear

Postby Zancarius » Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:38 pm


I tried 1.1.6 and the same thing. Total freeze in the Win7 RC. I did find out something interesting:


At this point, wait for Mumble to hang or crash. If it's a hang, use "Break" from the "Debug" menu of Windbg. Note that breaking Mumble will probably freeze your mouse and keyboard for a few seconds, as this also pauses Mumble's hotkey handling.

I'm not sure whether that's even remotely believable or not, because a "few" seconds turned out to be indefinite. And if the chat program latches onto ALL keyboard/mouse input on start up before it's even configured...

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. I'm pretty pissed, because it froze Windows hard enough to corrupt my Chrome and Winamp configs, too. (Winamp was corrupted such that I had to reinstall.) Good thing the RTM of Win7 will be out soon, 'cause this might require a reinstall. Beware, those of you using Vista-based OSes as this appears to be a problem that can strike you. Yeah, it didn't affect Turus or most of the other folks who installed it, but this might be due to my specific sound devices.
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Postby Snobal » Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:49 am

Is that why you /disappeared on IM last night? I predicted a thunderstorm... oh well. I was close.
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Postby Zancarius » Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:30 am

You were close! That happened several times last night but the second cell fizzled out.
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Postby Snobal » Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:50 pm

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Postby Zancarius » Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:45 am

Turns out I found out what the problem was. Mumble attempts to use digital output on my sound card which freezes Windows 7. Clearly, it's a driver issue. It's also pretty annoying.

Earlier today, the driver must've crashed (without notice, too); so, trying to recover sound, I set Winamp to use digital out--and there went the freeze. This does indicate something interesting about stupid Mumble: It doesn't give you an option to choose what output type until after it's started!
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