by Grimblast » Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:47 pm
Well, after this past week I have had some seriously bad luck in game and I think I need to take a little break after Saturday. I probably will pop on once in awhile to check mail and everyone. Just feeling a little burned out and need to do something else for a few days. Hope to be back soon though!
Lumin, I will look for you tomorrow so I can get you leveled up as I mentioned

Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger