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John Carmack: Not Just Quake

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John Carmack: Not Just Quake

Postby Zancarius » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:09 pm

This video is a 4 pan view of id Software's famous John Carmack. He's not only known for developing some of the most impressive gaming engines ever written, but he's also quite the rocket scientist. Check out the video.

For those of you who might consider this another "ho-hum" link, recall that one of the first major undertakings with regards to VTVL (vertical take-off, vertical landing) rockets was with the Delta Clipper, although the 'Clipper was intended more for single stage to orbit with the ability to also land. As you can see in the Wikipedia article, the 'Clipper was a success--but such success was short lived. I also believe it was vastly over budget, but I haven't done the research to confirm that. It seems to me that was the case, and I'm sure unexpected accidents didn't help much either.

That a few software geeks managed to build something of this sort on a shoestring budget is nothing short of impressive. Pay special attention to the landing video. Not only does the craft stabilize itself after the drogue chute is released (a difficult undertaking with vectored thrust to begin with!), but it also lands within a few feet of where it took off from.

Fascinating video.
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