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In game latency being investigated by Blizzard

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In game latency being investigated by Blizzard

Postby Grimblast » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:37 am

I'm sure we've all noticed the latency problems on Terenas and it can be a pain in the butt at times. It looks like Blizzard is looking to take in some constructive feedback to help them isolate the problem. It's affecting most realms it seems. Here is some info to maybe assist in getting the problem fixed.

Quoted from the blizzard forums:
Greetings all,

We are aware of the latency issues affecting most servers at this time as well as the inability for some players to successfully log in. In order to collect data regarding this issue and free up the forums for those who are experiencing issues other than high latency, please use this thread as a centralized sticky for all latency inquiries. If you do post here, please be constructive and describe the symptoms you are receiving to the best of your ability. I would also highly recommend using the Report Lag feature as detailed below to report any latency issues in game. Thanks for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

If you are experiencing a large amount of latency I would suggest using the newly introduced Report Lag Feature. This feature may be located by clicking on the Help Request option. This option is located in the small navigation tray near the bottom of your screen and symbolized by a red question mark icon.

This will bring up the In-Game Knowledge Base window, a database full of support articles for your reference. Four options will also appear towards the bottom of the window:
• Talk to a GM
• Report Issue
• Report Lag
• Character Stuck

Selecting the Report Lag button will open up a new intractable window in which you will be asked to specify what type of latency you are experiencing. You will be able to select from the following options:

• Loot
• Auction House
• Mail
• Chat
• Movement
• Spells and Abilities

After you click on one of these options, your report will be issued immediately and the selection will result in a confirmation window which will be displayed for your acknowledgment. If more than one form of latency is being experienced, a report can be issued in each appropriate category. These reports will not be accompanied by a Game Master interaction, but instead will utilized as a diagnostic tool by our Realm Technicians to help potentially identify underlying causes of latency so that they may be addressed.

We understand the frustration that these types of issues may cause and also understand that the Lag Report feature does not provide feedback regarding your reports. Please rest assured that these reports are taken seriously and are investigated appropriately.

For any updates regarding latency issues affecting game play, please visit the Service Status forum thread below. ... 4069&sid=1

That thread already had some people complaining in its replies but that doesn't solve problems. I've worked tech support for a few years now and some problems can't be solved over night. They take time and information. So the more information we can supply the better.
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