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Ideas from Officer's Meeting, Aug. 7

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Ideas from Officer's Meeting, Aug. 7

Postby Zancarius » Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:57 am

Here's some ideas that were brought up during the officer's meeting. This list isn't intended to be comprehensive, because my memory isn't all that great. I'm just posting a brief overview of what I remembered; I'm going to miss something, so feel free to add whatever chunks I happened to have skipped.


Scheduling is the biggest, most significant topic that was brought up numerous times. There's quite a few of us who tend to put together instance runs on a whim. While there isn't anything wrong with this, I think it would be much, much easier on all of us (particuarly those of us like me who are anal-retensive about scheduling). If the scheduling is used and followed through, we can put together more guild runs. And, as we all know, guild runs tend to be much smoother than trying to use two or three pick-ups.

Static Run Schedules

Static scheduling for instance runs is an idea that has been brought up a few times in the past. Specifically, it entails reserving specific days for certain instances (or classification of instances). Static scheduling would operate along a rough schedule of (for example): Tuesday for Scholomance, Thursday for Stratholme (live or dead), Friday/Saturday for [L|U]?BR[S|D]+ (sorry for the regex... that's shorthand for LBRS/UBRS/BRD), and the remaining days for miscellaneous stuff.

Weekly "Clean the Quest Log" Guild Run

The "clean the quest log" run is an idea brought up by Sno and arguably the best idea of the evening. I like this idea the most. His suggestion was to reserve a day (or two) specifically for doing nothing else but helping others clean out their quest log. This could be done with 60s or with alts (so everyone benefits from the XP) and would help eliminate some of the annoying quests. While this could aid in finishing up lower level instances, it best helps with clearing out the majority of quests that are non-instanced. As many of us have stated before: the best way to level is to quest, and if you can't get your quests finished, leveling is going to be a slow and awful process.

Scheduling Software

There's a few ideas out there regarding scheduling software, and Alacor raised an important point about it. If we use scheduling add-ons in-game, we're more likely to have players participate with using the schedules and subsequently obeying them. The idea of using the forums for runs was okay, but it's not going to be an adequate solution when the problem clearly has to be addressed in-game. Currently we have two ideas: One is to use the Calendar add-on (I don't know the name of this offhand; Alacor could post a link to it, I'm sure) and the other is to us GEM, the Guild Event Manager. The latter, GEM, is used by larger guilds and has features that accomodate them better than it might us; although nearly all guild alliances use GEM to schedule cross-guild events. Optionally, I see nothing wrong with having two event managers in use at any given time. It might be best to settle on one, single solution. At any rate, we obviously need something in-game to schedule runs--the forums or web-based calendars aren't going to work...

(You can also send invites via GEM, if everyone is on... that makes life easy...)


Another point brought up during the meeting was the necessity of chat software during runs. Lith brought up the point that, while making something a requirement isn't exactly a great thing, if there is one thing that we should have as a requirement, it ought to be Teamspeak. I know there are a few guildies who either cannot load it due to system issues or might be a bit too shy to use it. Speaking on Teamspeak is not a requirement; simply being present in a channel while on a run can mean the difference between cleaning out a room smoothly or having so many adds, the party wipes. There is a reason the large guilds won't take players along without chat software, especially on raids. It's much easier to talk during the middle of a skirmish than it is to try typing out orders that are probably going to be ignored. After all, who reads the chat log to exclusion, save for watching for eyes in Strat?

One of the best examples of someone willing to go through the trouble of getting TS working regardless of what it takes is Vest. He got it installed and working just fine and limits Teamspeak's bandwidth by using it to listen to a run. I figure that if he can use it without TS interfering excessively with his connection, anyone else can. Teamspeak doesn't use a lot of resources and it helps immensely.

That's pretty well the ideas I can remember--feel free to add anything I've missed =)
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Postby Snobal » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:31 pm

Ya you did good, you only missed one thing that i saw. We were discussing joining the Small Guild Alliance (SGA). What is this? A system where a bunch of smaller guilds (not hardcore) go and raid with eachother as though they were one! For reinforcement on the idea, i have met people and come in contact with people that are part of this system, and think there very good "can be trusted" people 8)

Anyways ya /clap Thalaria on remmembering crap :wink:
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Postby Zancarius » Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:37 pm

Snobal wrote:Anyways ya /clap Thalaria on remmembering crap

Thanks! I still think I only touched on the surface, because there were many, many other topics that we discussed that were of equal importance.

Regarding the SGA, Turus would have to elaborate on that. My understanding is that they schedule events via GEM, and members from guilds that have applied with them can offer to take a variety of spots. I like the idea of an alliance over a merger, since I don't want us to lose our name. I'm a 'goon at heart. ;-)
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Postby Grimblast » Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:42 am

Yeah, a local guy told me about them and I've been looking into the SGA. I like the idea of being able to do end game content and not have to merge to do it. I will continue to read into their setup and see about applying our guild to it. If I fall short and have to go ahead of time, I will give my information to whoever the new GM will be so they can follow up on the SGA and see about getting us added to their membership. I know gem is a requirement as well as using some chat programs such as ventrillo and team speak. I will keep yall posted on what I find out and if they accept our application for membership or not. Or if they just let us in, that's cool too :)
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