by Aigle » Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:44 pm
I don't have a very good picture of our display. My camera died after an hour after we started shootin' em' off (we started early -_-; ) When I said burn down the forest, that was literal
(sorry, that's my love in the photo)
Most of the fireworks shot off through the trees...well, the bottle rockets anyway. The other stuff we had cleared em' by at least 300 ft

'..a male gynocologist is like an auto mechanic who's never owned a car..'
<a href="">Aigle</a> - 60 Human Priest (Main)
<a href="">Eilyselyse</a> - 60 Night Elf Hunter
<a href="">Amarlena</a> - 20 Human Rogue
<a href="">Cailleach</a> - 9 Night Elf Druid