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hahah look at him!

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hahah look at him!

Postby Cephalxn » Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:12 am

lol i just found this photo of denva and another mate of mine... and i thought i'd share with you guys the picture and the story that goes with it... because... well i'm bored..

anyway... it was a friends 21st and we were all pretty smashed... then denva and i realised that we had some joints in his car... rejoice! (mind you i don't smoke any more... but back then i still enjoyed it).. so we go off after the speeches and grab them, and then proceede to jump in the other friends car and wind up the windows and smoke the joints (you know, so the smoke can't get out and it makes you more fucked, we call it compressing)... so we do that, and stumble out in a haze of smoke grinning and giggling like idiots... sit back down and start drinking again... so anyway, i notice denva isn't around anymore... so i look for him and can't find him... so i called him on his phone and he answeres going "huh... whats up?" and i'm like "lol dude where are you i can't find you" and he goes "i'm down by the pool... throwing up".... so after i stop laughing i head down there to see how he is going... and sure enough he's lying there with some spew (not too much) next to him... "feel any better i ask?"... "much better man"... i went and got him a glass of water... grabbed my camera... and took this photo... denva is on the left.. and i think my mate chris, who was the other guy who smoked with us, thought his banana was a phone...

hahah... well i thought it was funny as well...

oh i found another as well...

we were down at Phillip Island (which is a really nice spot about an hour and a half from where we live... really nice beaches and a great atmosphere).. i'm not sure if we were drunk... but i'm pretty sure i was... anyway, we were about to head down to the beach when i go to denva "hey man... act sexy!" so he struck this pose and voila... sex in male form! lol.

i'll leave now.
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