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Daytime Officers

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Daytime Officers

Postby Damorte » Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:08 pm

I know I've mentioned this before, but it got to me again today. And anyone who knows me know if its an itch, I must scream and bitch about it. We have ZERO officers available during the day. By during the day I mean the entire time I'm playing 8am server to 7pm server. Some will pop on occasionally, namely HG and Lith and Sonni, but only for a few minutes. Usually everyone who is an officer plays in the evening to late night hours. Us poor daytimers are gettin' the hose as far as bank needs and whatnot. I am not at all proposing that I am all-knowledgeable when it comes to guild type stuffs, I know its messy business when it comes to officers and who be officers. I love you guys, I love this guild and I am very very happy. If I have to wait until I can be on in the evening hours someday I will, its just not as much fun when I can't pimp my toons faster or have to buy something that I could have gotten from the bank...I likes me my monies, I hate saying goodbye to it. :cry: Oh, and the most important thing in this whole message is to make sure you all know about taco. So, taco. There! I have done my job!
"All me got to be able to do is spell 'kill.' K-Y-Y-Y-L...."

Cause of accident: Lack of adhesive ducks.

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Postby Lithium » Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:55 pm

Soni and I usually try to pop in and say hello frequently, although we both work during the day. We do try to make ourselves available to the guild as much as possible, and I'll extend our availability even further. :)

If I am not on over there, I'm happy to check the forums if you need something, then I can immediately get it to ya, or hopefully have it ready for you by the morning via mail before I go to bed. If anyone needs to get ahold of me more immediately, I am possibly hordeside. Here is a list if anyone in the guild needs to get ahold of an officer and find themselves without one on:


If I'm not on in the goons and not on these characters, I'm not on at all. I hope this helps anyone who needs us.

I'm sure it's just due to the summertime, and it's nearing an end. :)
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Postby Zancarius » Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:57 pm

I guess I mustn't pay much mind to the guild bank, because I thought that most of the gear and other such items we have in there are kinda low level. The more appropriate high level stuff is generally crafted on an as-needed basis (which itself would yield to the same problem since most of us who can craft such things are only on in the evenings).

Also, as a reminder, consumables aren't guaranteed to persist for long in the bank. It might be worthwhile to ask some of our crafters if you have specific needs. That's what they're here for!

Edit: My spelling sucks today.
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Postby Damorte » Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:27 pm

Ok I think people are misunderstanding my post. I'm not complaining about specific officers. I know people pop in, etc, my point is exactly what Lith said, everyone works during the day, at least all officers do.

I'm not complaining about anyone, I swear I'm not, everyone works and how stupid would it be for me to complain about that, not to mention its not fair to put so much pressure on our officers to try to be on more hours than they need to be, its a game, not a job. I tried to put it in as clear a way as I could to explain that its not the people, not at all, I love our officers and we have wonderful guild leadership. In a discussion with another guildie though, whom I will not drag into this, we thought it is kinda sucky for us that do play in the mornings to never have an officer on.

My suggestion, although apparently very poorly presented earlier was to possibly have a daytime officer. Its a suggestion, nothing more. I am obviously not so obsessed with the game I foam at the mouth and ninja our lootz from the bank. I just think it would be a nice thing for us daytimers, thats all.

I apologize my prior post was confusing, I really was only attempting to air my thoughts.
"All me got to be able to do is spell 'kill.' K-Y-Y-Y-L...."

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Postby Zancarius » Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:42 pm

I think the thing is that we're trying to determine how best to resolve it. I don't mean to offend.

As it stands, we do have quite a number of officers. While yes, they do have the propensity to log in toward the afternoons, I can't think of anything that's so pressing they need to be immediately available. Perhaps you could cite a specific example that occurred today? Materials out of the bank can always be mailed, for instance...

Anyway, I'm going to be running my client all day tomorrow to collect some statistics assuming I don't get booted. I need to find out more about our actual officer coverage for internal timekeeping purposes.
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Postby Damorte » Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:47 pm

There is nothing pressing or emergency about a game, thats why its a game. =) Like I said before, and I speak only for me, I do wait until Officers come on. My apologies for the post.
"All me got to be able to do is spell 'kill.' K-Y-Y-Y-L...."

Cause of accident: Lack of adhesive ducks.

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Postby Grimblast » Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:51 pm

I'm going to wait for Thalaria's polling data before making any hasty decisions. For several years now, it has been accepted that the majority of our members are on after working hours. We've always been a casual guild so its always been easy for members to get items out of the guild bank. For those that are on during the day, they tend to mail an officer and they get the item within the day or the next. Never had any real issues with this. Since it seems it was worth mentioning on the forums , I'll await Thal's info and go from there.
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Postby Highgrade » Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:36 pm

I for one am on most days, all be it not for very long, if at any time you need anything and i am on i will be more than happy to oblige. =) I will be on more in the mornings the wife is working now and i will be on till about 2:00pm sever. Again, pst me or shout out in guild.
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