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Atheism - Religion - God - Systems of Belief - Morality

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Atheism - Religion - God - Systems of Belief - Morality

Postby Swaagdaddy » Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:02 am

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Postby Swaagdaddy » Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:02 am

oops..lemme try again
Atheism - Religion - God - Systems of Belief - Morality - New York Times
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Postby Zancarius » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:05 am

Kind of interesting, although I don't really think it fits in well with most atheist's persuasion (one, it sounds of a more "spiritualistic" persuasion). I am suspect of the author's true knowledge of theistic religions:

[quote]The Judeo-Christian version of immortality doesn’t work very well without God: who but a divine agent could miraculously reconstitute each of us after our death as a “spiritual body”? Plato’s version has no such need; since our platonic souls are simple and thus enduring, we are immortal by nature.[/quote]

In neither Judaism nor Christianity do adherents believe that the soul must be "reconstituted" by God. Rather, the soul departs the body at death and enters into the afterlife. It's a subtle but important difference. I believe Islam is also quite the same, although I'm only most familiar with its history.

That said, the mention of quantum mechanics was interesting, but he touched on it far too briefly. Although, I suppose that if black holes don't destroy information (they radiate it as Hawking radiation), neither would death. Though, there are those who are currently working in some of the darker corners of quantum physics who have claimed that it is impossible to be in such a realm without observing the fingerprints of the creator.

It's interesting that there are fewer atheists in the deepest bowels of physics.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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