I was a bit disheartened by this post about Guild Missions since we are a PVE guild and it just made sense to focus on the PVE stuff with our influence. Guess what we don't have much training in for the guild? If an officer gets online before me today, please start the training for the next level of art of war so we can get this done asap! We will have to stair step the build process so looks like no guild missions for probably 2 weeks since it may take that amount of time or longer to get art of war trained up to level 5. Silly build times....
There's a lot of outcry in that thread about what the game designer said. I hope that maybe they lower the rank required for that guild mission but if not, guess we have a goal to work on. Just means more dungeons for grape juices and influences! Me thinks its time I post a thread on influence research!