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Guild Wars 2 Late tonight, early tomorrow

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Guild Wars 2 Late tonight, early tomorrow

Postby Grimblast » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:16 am

Guild wars 2 early access is almost upon us. While you wait, here is some reading material to get you situated. Part of that article that has me worried is the whole marathon play angle. You shouldn't play a game like a marathon. Take breaks every 15 or 30 minutes to stretch and make sure to hydrate and take bio brakes. No need to hurt your health over a game. I browsed over the link on that site about marathon play and tips and I guess I find it shocking that something like that has to be posted. Then again, look at the history of MMO's. Some people have died playing them in a very obsessive fashion due to not taking care of themselves.

In case you are too lazy to hit the above info link, here are the important points from you reddit linkage for obscure site references)

1. First check your settings, change the graphics to what you see fit, look through the options if there’s something special you want. Personally I love the auto-loot, and I always play with invert y-axis for mouse so those are first to go.

2. While in settings, is there a keybind you want to change to be more efficient, and learn a pattern for it immediately?

3. Stop up and smell the roses, did the event finish? Where’s the NPC going now, have a look and with some luck you’ll follow an longer chain.

4. Ignore the completion of renowned hearts. I can’t be serious can I? My point here is, focus on the events going on around you and the hearts will complete of themselves by you doing other things.

5. If you’re in an area with a Vista, Undiscovered point of interest, Waypoint or Skill point make your way over there while killing mobs or joining other events. Also just being part of an event for “as long as you see fit” is a viable tactic, since it will give you experience even if you run away to do something else.

6. GATHER stuff. This might seem arbitrary, but gathering will earn you money and experience while you do it. You can post to the trading post directly from your inventory.

7. Explore “unknown” areas that seem off the beaten path, if you find a mob there and kill it when no one else has, you gain bonus experience. You’ll be 30 in no time! Err, I mean 80! Some of the coolest places in this game are not by a undiscovered point of interest.

8. Don’t be afraid to follow one person around if you think they are playing good with you. Synergy in this game and cross profession combos are brilliant. And I’ve personally made a good in-game friend through this.

9. Deposit all to collectibles. One of the more amazing features in this game. If your bags are getting full just find the cog in the corner of your inventory and deposit all collectibles to your bank! Magic (Asuran technology)

10. Last tip is for previous Guild Wars players, claim your Halls of Monuments rewards! Step through the portal and more magic will happe

Lastly, lets just have fun. For those that are curious, we will be doing a preprep in the guild teamspeak server tonight around 6pm MST. Making sure we have our TS clients setup right and what not. If you are having trouble getting into TS or need the settings, browse over to the guild forum for that information.
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger
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Re: Guild Wars 2 Late tonight, early tomorrow

Postby Highgrade » Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:45 pm

Let's ROCK! Asura party!
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