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Republic on EU...?

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Republic on EU...?

Postby Tirian » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:38 am


As many of you know, I now live 10/11* hours ahead of our home base in North American Mountain Time. So, if you see me online, especially during the week, it's pretty much during the middle of the day.

As such, I'm also playing on an EU server, and if anyone wants to join me, they'd be more than welcome -- I'm Republic-side on Nightmare Lands, main name Caelius.

I'm very happy and excited that Bioware decided to offer full-world access with one subscription, as I can play with you suckers and in my own timezone.

By the way, for time reasons, the EU servers are often under light loads when the US is under heavy, and vice versa. Useful to know... for now, you'll see me on Krayt Dragon most often when my EU server is full.

* Depends on time of year, as the time changes are not aligned. As of this post, I am 11 hours ahead of MT.
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Re: Republic on EU...?

Postby Grimblast » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:41 am

Not a biggy, Dude! I'll make an effort to be on late nights on Saturdays and Sundays so I can try and catch up with you. This week is going to be crazy given the holiday and all but after the new year, my work schedule goes back to normal. I may have to fire up a character on that EU server just to see what the atmosphere is like. Krayt Dragon during the day going into the night my time in the states gets login queues right now but I'm thinking just like any other MMO, it will taper off. It's the usual release issue we've seen with other MMO's so I'm patient. I just hit the login and walk away from the comp while I make dinner after work and clean up a little bit.

What I look forward to is knowing that the server is that full, that means easy pickings for items in the auction houses. It was something I liked about the Blackrock server in WOW, always could find what I wanted in the auction house due to the population.
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