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News on the Guild creation process

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News on the Guild creation process

Postby Grimblast » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:11 pm

Today marks the day they lock the early guild creation period. Here is the article SWTOR posted. Looks like we will be emailed individually as well as have a place to check which server our guild is on. So, no precreation of characters into the guild is what I'm gathering from this. We will need to spread word as to what server we are on when the time comes.

Today we are announcing that the Pre-Launch Guild Program for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ has come to an end. Guilds that have met the prerequisite of having four members redeem their Pre-Order Codes at our Code Redemption Center are now locked for transfer into the game in time for our December 20th launch.

If your guild has qualified for import, you can expect to receive an email at some time over the next several days. This email will give you further details on how to check the status of your guild as well as further details about how to join your guild once you’re in the game. Your email will also tell you which server your guild has been assigned to, so you will know which one to select when Early Game Access begins. While we will do everything we can to ensure that your Allies and Adversaries are on your server with you, we can’t necessarily guarantee that every guild will see their Allies and Adversaries on their server with them.

We want to thank each and every one of you who took part in the program, and we look forward to seeing you all in the game!
Guild Wars 2 Characters
Turalia Gearspark - Asuran Engineer ----------- Turus Gearspark - Asuran Guardian
Thelena Turusian - Norn Warrior ---------------- Jake Turusian - Human Thief
Dililah Turusian - Norn Necromancer ------------ Rahl Braincrusher - Char Mesmer
Star Earthbreaker - Sylvari Elementalist -------- Rylo Preystalker - Char Ranger
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