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Cross-realm "Good Player" List

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Cross-realm "Good Player" List

Postby Zancarius » Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:42 pm

In effort to counter-balance the ninja post and provide proof that there is, in fact, far more good in the world, this thread will highlight individuals that have been encountered who have made random dungeons pleasant, fun, and entertaining. Where possible, the guild name of the player is provided along with some commentary. Please don't use this as a discussion threat, but feel free to post the names of individuals you've encountered whose company you enjoyed.

Sucafatty of Gurubashi and <Fatty Brigade>; female dwarf rogue
  • Encountered this individual in heroic FoS; slightly disturbing sense of humor to some but also the first female rogue I ever encountered--Tirian would've loved this person--and very entertaining.
Guanosauce of Eldre'Thalas; death knight
  • Encountered this guy in a random with Elade and Jargath; we continued at least one or two other dungeons with him
Gyro of Shadowsong; female human paladin
  • First individual who tolerated my healing through heroic Halls of Reflection before I sorta got the hang of it--very patient and helpful
Loxy of Shadowsong; female human warlock
  • Good DPS and quite friendly. I remembered the name because it appears to be a pun on the shortened version of warlock (lock).
Arturon of Frostmane; death knight
  • Elade and I queued up with this guy for a number of dungeons; also very friendly
Nalgon of Shadowsong; male dwarven death knight
  • This guy takes the cake as one of the more clinically insane--and fun--individuals I've encountered; I've done several random dungeons with him and even ran into him about a week later.
I gave that lich a phylactery shard. Liches love phylactery shards.
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