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Candy Crush Makers Trolled

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:30 pm
by Zancarius ... candy.html

The long and short of it is that (I think?) trademarked the term "Candy" insofar as it is limited to the video game industry in Europe (apparently a US trademark is soon to come). So, as a consequence, there's been a deluge of games being developed by dozens of developers including--you guessed it--the term "Candy" as part of an online protest called the "Candy Jam."


Anyway, since the entire point of having a trademark is to provide brand identity, and to do so requires protecting it from dilution, the Candy Crush devs now have a choice: Litigate against dozens and dozens of people trolling them, potentially wasting a fortune on trademark enforcement, or just give up on it and admit that the trademark is really stupid.