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For those with FPS issues

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:39 am
by Grimblast
Here is an article from Reddit I heard about on theinstance:TOR Edition that I figured I'd best share since I have seen/heard some guildies have FPS issues when in highly crowded places. I may try this when I get home as well because in PVP, I did notice a loss of frame rate that shouldn't be there. It seems SWTOR is a directx 9 game and those of us with windows 7 are using the newer directx which may be emulating the old directx 9 stuff. Worth a gander for those that want to see if it will improve on their game play any. It may even improve FPS when at the fleet stations too since there seems to be a lot of loitering going on there but that may be a data issue. If this helps any of you, I'd be curious to know!

Re: For those with FPS issues

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:28 pm
by Zancarius
I like this speculation regarding framerate, although be sure to read the replies.

My personal speculation is to wonder whether those people having framerate issues are using DX9.x-class hardware running under DX10+ (or maybe DX10-class hardware running under DX11) and adding DX9/DX10 libraries somehow alleviates this.

Re: For those with FPS issues

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:12 pm
by Grimblast
Very well could be! I figure I'll amuse myself and grab directx 9 even though I'm sure I have those same files from all the crap I have in Steam.

Re: For those with FPS issues

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:36 pm
by Zancarius
Yeah, most likely.

I did some research to see what I could find, and the only references I could see is that DX10/11 added/removed some stuff and added some very minor changes to streamline code. I don't understand how installing DX9 libraries would markedly improve performance. If anything, it should be the other way: Playing a DX9 game on DX10+ capable hardware (and libraries) ought to be faster.

Given the developer comments on Reddit, I gather no one else really seems to know either. I'd really like to know what hardware these guys who've seen "huge improvements" have.