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Hexxit: A Technic Mod

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:55 pm
by Zancarius
I just stumbled upon what has to be the most amazing collection of Minecraft mods ever. It's called Hexxit and it has a vast assortment of new dungeons, mobs, weapons, armor, crafting materials, and all sorts.

I also think I'm somewhat lost. No, not in the sense of not knowing where I am. I have a reasonably good sense of direction. It's just that there's so much stuff.

It's worth giving it a try!

Want a taste? How about the minotaur or, better yet, the minoshroom?

Re: Hexxit: A Technic Mod

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:53 am
by Zancarius
I played this a bit with Trekk last night, and the dungeons are intense! There's so many spawners and mob types (including mob sub-types) that if you don't have good armor and a weapon, you're pretty well screwed. There's also rare miniboss mobs, including a "Rare Zombie of "--something-or-other that has his own boss health bar, drops quite a bit of unusual loot, and hits like a freight train. To say nothing of the skeletal healers, skeletal ninjas (yes, ninjas), and weapon effects that can blow you up.

The skeletal guards in some of the keeps also discuss gardening techniques and the added biome types are pretty amazing.