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Not even your wired keyboard is safe

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:10 pm
by Zancarius
The technically astute here might recall an issue about a year or two ago where researchers managed to extract the key presses of wireless keyboards (including those using simple encryption). As it turns out, back in March, more researchers found that they can also intercept key presses using a device that cost only $500 to build and a power outlet. Simply by plugging the device in, they were able to determine what keys were being pressed on a computer on outlets up to 15 meters away:

Along these lines, I also found an article that contains a picture of the previous eavesdropping attempts made against LCD monitors. Yes, that's right. They have a picture of the reconstructed image retrieved via RF.

I hope you're not typing up (or reading) impure thoughts about the government! ;)

Update: Fixed measurement system error.